¿Te sientes mal tras la vacuna contra la covid? Quizás es porque está funcionando

[ad_1] Un nuevo estudio ofrece un mensaje alentador para los estadounidenses que evaden las vacunas contra la covid porque les preocupan los efectos secundarios: los escalofríos, la fatiga, el dolor de cabeza y el malestar general que pueden presentarse tras la vacunación quizás sean señales de una respuesta inmunitaria robusta. Según la nueva investigación, las … Read more

What Is a Fever? Why Your Body Temperature May Be Cooler Than 98.6 Degrees

[ad_1] Over the past few decades, evidence has been mounting that the average human body temperature is not really 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Instead, most people’s baseline is a little bit cooler. The standard of 98.6 was established over 150 years ago by the German physician Dr. Carl Wunderlich, who reportedly took over a million measurements … Read more

FDA Issues Warning Over Misuse of Ketamine Therapy

[ad_1] The Food and Drug Administration issued an alert on Tuesday about the dangers of treating psychiatric disorders with compounded versions of ketamine, a powerful anesthetic that has become increasingly popular among those seeking alternative therapies for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and other difficult-to-treat mental health problems. Compounded drugs are those that have been … Read more

Scientists Use CRISPR to Make Chickens More Resistant to Bird Flu

[ad_1] Scientists have used the gene-editing technology known as CRISPR to create chickens that have some resistance to avian influenza, according to a new study that was published in the journal Nature Communications on Tuesday. The study suggests that genetic engineering could potentially be one tool for reducing the toll of bird flu, a group … Read more